Friday, December 14, 2007
SUCCESS = LEAD Yourself!
I do not know how many of those viewers who see this advertisement get inspired to lead their lives of principles and take lead, but a strange current traversed through my body. I felt like hugging this boy for unfolding one of the most important principle of success,"Leading yourself". Most of the time we wait for others to lead, and we just follow, and thus we are called "Followers" and not Leaders. To be successful you need to lead! But, you can only need when, you lead yourself first. Success begins with you. But are you willing to lead yourself to that success which is awaiting you to hug and embrace with grace and pride, and shower unimaginable praise, recognition, and place into hall of success. But to reach there you need to being, and you could only begin if you lead yourself! Thus -
SUCCESS = LEAD yourself!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
But more than experience, I was thrilled with this simple yet innovative approach that those who devised this solution came up with. Thus, I understood and experienced one more mantra for success, "being Innovative"! Being innovative and open to alternate approaches to routine problem pays off in overcoming these constraints. To me this is like doing common things differently. As Shiv Khera says, "Successful people don't do different things, they do common things differently". Thus, SUCCESS = being Innovative!
Monday, December 3, 2007
It was 8.16 a.m. and I had to reach to my office before 9.00 a.m. for a meeting. From my house in Ordrup to office at Universitetsparken in Copenhagen it is 38 minutes either by bus or train. As I reached, Ordrup station I saw more people than would be usually there. Though, I could not guess, what's the problem either from Denish announcements and display from the TV screens, I guess that one or some of the trains are late or canceled. As, I began to worry about my meeting at 9.00 and was about a to make a call to my colleagues informing that I could be late - I saw the bus approaching to railway station with board as "extra". Bus took us from Ordrup to Hellerup station, from where I got my train for Norreport station and from their bus for Universitetsparken. In whole of this saga, I was just late by 2 minutes, a time that I took to walk from Ordrup station platform to "extra" bus. This is called "Planning"!
How many of us do have planning to this level of details and fall-back plan. Forget to this level, but majority of us have no plans at all. In fact, we often say enjoy and deal with life as it comes and happens. I think that is major difference between ordinary individual and successful human being. Successful person, group, community, society and nation plan for their success, and ensure that they implement it with strictness. But only determined person can do planning, only those who truly wish to succeed can do planning - rest others can never! Thus,
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Mohita, a young 16 years old lad while sharing his ordeal and struggle to overcome his obesity, said "अब ठान लिया है कि इस जंग को किसी भी हाल मैं जितुन्गा !"। It touched me a lot - determination to overcome against all. To me Mohit has already his fight and war against obesity, because he has determined to overcome to odd. For all those, who often come up with what I call as "exquisites" I think this is a best slap on their face. May what come, determine to succeed and you are half the way through to your journey to win. I think determination to succeed against odds is nothing but a "killer instinct" that is originates within you - in your mind, within your heart, and through your thoughts, which gets displayed through your actions. Thus,
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Here in Copenhagen, in fact every where in Northern hemisphere it is onset of winter season. Thus, sun rises late, and set out early. It is also very cold. At many places temperature is below zero degree centigrade. I had never thought that one can go to work when it is dark, and return home when it is dark. But then sun never rises before 8 a.m. and as we move into December - January it would not rise before 9 a.m. Now it is setting out around 4 p.m., but then in about 30-40 days it would start setting out by 2 p.m. This is very different from the countries that lies within the tropics, where sun is in the sky for 10-13 hours. But then what was fascinating for me to note that life goes on here in spite there is day light or not?
I noticed that in a freezing cold, buses runs on time, so do trains, and so does the flights takes off. Students of all age groups goes to school on time, so do the offices open and close on scheduled time. Banks are operating, and so do the emergency services. The other day, I came across the cleaning services guy, who was brazing the chilled weather, but was on routine to collect the garbage. I questioned him, it is not tough to do it in such an adverse situation. His reply was made me feel guilty for a moment. It was such a thought provoking, he said,"Yes! It is tough, but one need to work and fulfill his or her task, so you do it anyway!".
That's the instinct - what I call a "killer instinct" that has risen these small nations significant ones in world political, economical as well knowledge scenario. A instinct that is grossly missing in many of the regions and populations of the world, where sun blesses for over 10-13 hrs a day. But then we are masters in giving the excuses. Think of if people in these environmentally disadvantage nations gives similar excuses, which are so very real, what would happen? Would life move forward? Would they be able to succeed? Would they be able to progress? Certainly not, and thus a new revelation of another success sutra, at least for me -
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
However, last night I saw this commercial on CNN-IBN in which Abhishek Bacchan was talking about moving forwards and making national progress, and one thing that he talked appealed me and in more than one sense gave me much needed answer to move forward. He said progress begins with "YOU"!. But then I was no so impressed, as all celebrities give such peppy talks. But then I was startled with what my 5 years old daughter echoed this evening.
She wanted to go on to Google Earth and spot our houses in Copenhagen and Pune. She was requesting me for a while, but then I was so tired that I kept ignoring her request to help her. At one stage she started Google Earth, struggled to key in correct spellings of our addresses in Copenhagen and Pune. She could locate our residencies. She was elated. She came to me, pulled my hand to draw the attention, and said "आरे सगळे शक्य असते - पण त्त्या साथी तू केले पाहिजे!"। I think she gave me much needed kick to tell me that nothing is impossible, if I awaken "YOU" within me and move forward. Others will respond and then things would happen. But, how many of us think that way - we enjoy blaming others, the situation for our defeat in life. But , often forget that one of the most infamous characteristics that bound us not to succeed is "YOU"!. This magical "You" can bring in all the changes, if you get him moving and marching ahead towards your goals. Thus,
SUCCESS = YOU म्हणजे "तू"!
Friday, October 26, 2007
How many have such a true love even for ourselves, that we can stretch any limits to achieve what we believe in? There are many fathers and mothers can run even 90 mts for their kid, for their passion, and for their dreams. Leave about stretching your limits for your kid, but how many of us run extra mile even for our own dreams, when we are most tired? If we can not run for our own dreams, forget how can we sacrifice for others dreams! To me this only means that we are never in love with ourselves, we just pretend to be in love with you. If, we are in love with ourselves, and our dreams, no matter what hurdles that are thrown in your way that you would cross it, under any circumstances. Just like what Dick did for Rick - together they have run 950 races including 60 marathons, and several triathlons.
But, after watching and reading more about Team Hyot (, one thing that I realize that all of us - those who can not achieve simple success, and then complain about circumstances - that they simply love themselves. They just do not love enough that they can transcend limitations of their body, laziness, mind, and excuses for being failures. I learnt a simple but most powerful sutra of success- "SUCCESS = LOVE".
Love yourself, your cause of life, your dream and ambition so much that no matter what are the circumstances that you can achieve that success. Because that is only indication and demonstration of "how much you love yourself!". I wish you start loving yourself as much as Dick at age of 66 love his 44 year old disabled son. Because,
Sunday, October 21, 2007
SUCCESS = Sacrifice
Amongst several incidents that impressed me, one touched my mind and heart is ability of Mandela to continue to offer sacrifice even after 27 years of torture. In his reception address he said,
"I stand before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands".
What a great commitment, and strength this uncommon individual has! In this world where people struggle and compete to take credit for things that even they have not done, and here is this angle who attributed his success, and struggle for that success to people, that he fought for! What a great sacrifice. But then if your sacrifice is true and real, and undoubtedly unique and outstanding, humanity would certainly recognize it. And would strengthen you to achieve every bit of success that would have been out of your sphere of dreams. Thus,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
SUCCESS = Ambition to rise
This raises question in my mind, how a country which is below sea level, which has 24X7 danger of being flooded and washed away can be one of the one prospering nation. How can be a culture which is in danger of being uprooted by slightest natural disaster is so very cordial, hormonal and peaceful. As I discussed more and explored, I got my answer. And what a simple answer "Ambition to rise"!
This low lying landmass and people inhibiting the same realized that if they need to survive and prosper, they need to rise above with passionate ambition and determination, so they build the dikes. It just signifies that if you have passion to survive and prosper, you would have courage to breed the ambition, and unshakable determination to succeed. Thus,
Monday, October 1, 2007
Two days later, car was given to service center, and the mechanic told that damages would be to the tune of Rs.15,000/-. My wife Pradnya called the hotel back to let them know that damages are so much, and to work on how to pay it. The watchman and the chef started pleading that they can not afford to pay so much of repair costs, as it would be deducted from the watchman's salary and that his monthly salary is not more than Rs.3000. However, they went on apologizing, till the moment that my wife told them not to worry and we would bear the damages.
For this small experience and incident, one thing that I realize that an "apology" if it is sincere do have significant strength, and it can overcome the anger and any -ve energy. However, it is important that you apologize at the right moment, in right manner. If you think you are wrong don't wait - but apologize instantly. This can avoid lots of unnecessary complications, as well misunderstanding that could jeopardize your relationship. Thus, I believe that one of the significant yet unspoken sutra for success is "timely apology". Thus,
SUCCESS Timely Apology!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Certainly committment is most basic ingradient of the scuccess, which is so very uncommon. Committment is often overshadowed by excuses. Younger generation bunk early morning classes on the pre-text of getting up late, working men and women often take french leaves on the pre-text of someone in teh family ill. How would they then react to what Amarnath did?
What Amarnath did made my belief stronger in one of the basic sutra of success "SUCCESS = COMMITTMENT". I wish every citizen of this nation demonstrate similar committment in every sphere of their life, and this nation would surely be a great super-power. I wish almighty GOD bless each one of us with greater degree of committment, as......
Thursday, July 12, 2007
To understand the secrete of this, yesterday I joined second leg of this annual walkathon from Pune to Saswad, a distance of 32 kms, which these devotee's cover in just a day. Together with my 12 colleagues, I started walking alongside these "varkari's" at Bhairoba nala at 7 a.m. While, we all enjoyed our experience throughly, I got my long awaited answer to a question, that I was amused for all these years. And the answer was so very simple - BELIEF!!!
It was belief in the divine power and godly values that boost these millions of people to walk through this rough terrain, midst of monsoon for centuries together every year. It is BELIEF or SHRADHHA, as it is called in Marathi is the reason for successful "Vari" every year. If you deeply introspect, this belief is not only responsible for such events, but also for every small and big success in our individual life, success as a team, as a family, as a society, as a nation, and to the extent of success of a humanity. Like those millions of "Varkaris" we need to have deep rooted, un-shakable belief in what we believe in our selves. These "varkaris" believe that praying to lord Vitthala by undertaking such a tedious walkathon. If we have similar belief in our abilities, and our dreams, I am sure that we would be successful in every endeavor that we are into, or we wish to plunge into. I met a severely asthmatic young man in mid 30's who has undertaken this yatra for the first time - as he believed that it would cure his disease - and I thought for a moment "Why not?". Stretching beyond his physical abilities is certainly going to bring in much required physical and mental strength in him, and certainly this vari is going to help him positively as his confidence would be at a new height that he can do impossible in spite of difficulties.
Thus, believe in who you are?, purpose of life, your dreams, your abilities, your strengths, and your commitment to success. There is no way that you could be a failure - just have unshakable, and undisturbed belief. In fact, success if directly proportional to the degree of your belief. Thus,
Friday, June 8, 2007
TRUST according to me is most essential ingredient for any success story. You need to have trust in you, your abilities, your vision, and your dreams. You need to have trust in your workmanship, your communication abilities, your crisis handling skills, your memory, wisdom and most importantly innocent man within you, and your godly attitude. Similarly, you need to trust your loved ones, partners, companions, relatives, siblings, friends and community. You need to trust on their good intentions as well their abilities to be supportive to your cause and dreams. Most importantly you also need to trust on "TIME". Time is the solution for every problem. As well, it is time that would determine the degree of your success, and thus trusting on time is critical. Thus,
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I have come across several successful personalities since childhood, some of them I personally interacted, some them about whom I read and followed in news papers, and electronic media. When I closely analyzed one think that was common amongst all of them that they changed every time they emerged successful. The change was so very evident that they were recognized as winners or successful individuals or groups.
For instance, whenever student comes first in the class or school he or she improvises his or her ability to grasp, remember, read, understand, and write, improvises his or her style of answering questions, style of writing, etc. There is positive change that occurs which makes him/her perform best than other students.
Whenever a sprinter or marathoner wons the race, he improvises to a great degree in terms of stamina, speed, endurance, psychological planning, ability to dream, etc. When a social worker turns out to be successful political leader, he improvises his public relations, public speaking, social and political networking, political ambitions, etc.
Even for instance, when ever I changed my jobs, I got better packages, better recognitions. Whenever, I criss-crossed across the continents, visited institutions and individuals, shared my views and thought, my research community began to recognize me as successful person in my field of profession. Similarly, when we changed houses, we moved into better one than last accommodation.
Success thus means change. Change which is positive. This positive change is so very significant that community and society recognizes you as successful individual. However, for change to happen one must have passion and quest for positive change, one must dare to move into uncomfortable, unexplored territories. One must dare to do things, that others usually have fear to do. Change can not happen automatically, and without you doing anything. For change to happen, you need to change. Thus, get ready to change. Further, success directly proportional to positive change. Change yourself to accept and assimilate the change, and success would be yours. Thus,
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Certainly, point since you enter this national academy that has contributed significantly to provide nation military leadership, discipline is evident every where. The neatness, smartness of the entrance gate, sign boards at select and needed locations, cleanliness would not have been possible without discipline. The starch ironed uniforms, smart and alter look of NDA affiliated armed and civilians would not have been possible without strict adherence to discipline. The parade would not have started on time, had there been no discipline in practice. The uniformity, coordination in march past, synchronized movements would not have happened if discipline was not assimilated in blood and mind of these folks.
I think DISCIPLINE is the single most deciding factor of the successful armed force. But most importantly it is single most quality that differentiate between successful person and unsuccessful person. In fact, in my opinion lack and presence of discipline defines and decide looser and winner respectively. Discipline helps you achieve your goals in defined time period. It leads to synchronized coordination in a team, and thus brings in high degree of unity in the group.
I often come across persons who smell and talk of great dreams that even most successful individuals can be envy of - but soon you realize that these individuals lack something that is holding them away from their dreams. In most cases that detrimental factor is lack of discipline. Without discipline it is very difficult to develop and implement action plan with defined timeline. If you can not execute action plan on time, how so ever big and great your dreams are you can never be able to achieve you. Thus, I often think that success is directly proportional to discipline. Higher the degree of discipline, greater is your success.
I have this friend of mine, she is very innocent and wish to do so much for the society, her family, and her kids. Her intentions are so very novel and pure that every one would wish that her dreams may come true. However, she is often very frustrated, as she cannot even accomplish 5% of the planned activities. Reason lack of discipline. One of the major reason for this lack of discipline is ones unpreparedness to pass through hardship and uncommon will power. If you need to get up at 4 a.m. requires determination, and willingness to go through hardship of getting early. If you have these two things quality call discipline would send automatic signals to your brain that it is 4 a.m. and weather you are well or unwell you must get up now. Securing first position in the class means going through pains of studying little more than rest of the others in the class. This calls that you have to sacrifice certain privileges and luxuries now, and postpone them for later time, which means you need determination to resist attractions and comforts till exam is over. All this requires is nothing but loads of discipline. Thus, SUCCESS = DISCIPLINE!
Friday, May 25, 2007
I realized the ease with which both Prof. & Mrs. Islam were interacting with us, as if they know us for ages together. They also spoke on every aspect with equal, from science, sociology, human psychology, godly attitude, natioanlism, human as species in biotic world, religion, to arts, culture, and music. They could switch between topics, with such an ease and simplicity that I wondered, as to what all they have learned, and experienced. The pinnacle of our meeting was three national anthems that Prof. Islam played on his piano. Truely, great personalities do not have geographic and national boundaries, they are so very global, and international. I think, that is why they are so very successful, as they are so very acceptable across cross-sections of our society irrespective of cross-cultural, national, and religious boundaries.
This whole experience makes me to feel that success if all about acceptability, which is directly proportional to humility and simplicity. Many great visionaries are great, because they are able to explain much complex topics, with so much ease, and in such a simple manner that even the common citizan can understand it without slightest efforts. Thus, I believe that success is not only intelliegence, but it is intelligenece with simplicity, and humility. Thus,
Saturday, May 12, 2007
What is a fun being at the fence of the ring of action, and keep thinking about how painful the action and efforts would be, and would it be really cost-effective to put in those efforts to be successful. There is fun in jumping into the arena, getting pain of doing right action to be successful. I believe you enjoy being into action, and being successful, than repenting for not acting later. You can not cross bridge until you don't walk it! You can not cross the ditch, unless you do not jump over it! It is thus immensly important to be successful to dare greatly. Thus,
Thursday, May 3, 2007
On May 2, it was Buddha Poornima. I was having holiday, and sitting in my bedroom, I was playing teacher-student game with Maitri. She was teacher and I was a student. She gave me some assignment, and I did not do it properly. She was upset, but told me not to repeat it again. However, I did the same mistake again. She came close to me - looked into my eyes and with a very authoratative voice said, "Don't be like Devdutta, Be like Buddha!". Both me and Pradnya were shocked with her use of example. We have taught her this story of Devdutta and Buddha some days back - which she told in her story telling competition at School and won first prize. This story is about Devdutta shooting the bird with an arrow, which falls in fornt of Gautama, which he picks up and strats treating a wound. Devdutta order Gautama to give back the bird to him, as it is his catch.......".
When I remeber both of these interactions with my daughter, I realize that this girl is talking about an "ATTITUDE" in life. She is referring to "GODLY ATTITUDE", an attitude which is so very positive in its implementation, and outcome that success is guaranteed. I wonder, most of us why fail to succeed? The major reason I believe is our attitude is not godly. In godly attitude there is nothing impossible, there is no probability, there is no space for doubt. Most of the time when we initiate something we always doubt our own capability, thus our attitude never remains godly.
Most of the time when we mean success, we mean defeat to someone. Our purpose of sucess is never so very pure like a flowing water, there is always some hitch and thus our attitude is never so very godly. With an attitude to defeat someone or creating loss to others, you can never be successful. Most of the time we are part of a team that aspires to achieve some degree of success, but we always have inbuilt plans not be be 100% team player, might be that we don't like the leader or his leadership. How can such a team where few or most of its members do not have 100% dedication and confidence to the cause for which they swear by. The team and members of the team fail simlpy because they lack goldy attitude. Most of the time we study hard, work hard not to shine but often to get more marks than one of our fellow classmate or to show to our teachers that I do have an ability to be successful - how can you ensure that such a success becomes permanant feature when your attitude is not very godly, but is filled with revenge in it.
It is very imporatnat that our ATTITIDE is GOLDLY, without any prejudice, without any -ve ideas, with 101% dedication to expected outcome, without any purpose to harm anyone directly or indirectly. With such a GODLY ATTITUDE success is guranteed. There could be no better example of this GODLY ATTITUDE in recent time than Mahatma Gandhi. He was clear when he shoulder the responsibility, it was not to harm the regime that has inavded, and neither to prove his sumpremacy in Indian politics, it was just very simple - to make this country and its people free of occupation and lead them to republic independece. Thus,
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Success is much like this. It is impossible not to achieve it, provided you have the killer instinct that our daughter exhibited last night. You need to have tremendous confidence on your belief, your dreams, your abilities, your dedication, your values, your hard work and smartness, your intelligence, and your faith in godly values. With this confidence, there is practically nothing that you can not achieve. Certainly, your journey to this success will not be as easy as you wish it to be. It is also possible that it take more time than you originally thought of. However, there is nothing impossible. This is why winners often say that in their dictionary there is no word called ïmpossible", as for them every thing is possible. Thus,
Saturday, April 28, 2007
On the night of April 25, 2007, I was traveling from London to Mumbai in India’s one of the leading, privately owned airlines. I was quite tired, as earlier in the day I was in Copenhagen, and had forgotten to had my lunch, added to this was frustrating terminal transfer at the London’s Heathrow Airport. I wanted to eat something and sleep as soon as I can! While the food was being served, I was watching “Lage Raho Munnabhai” on the aircrafts entertainment system. Bappu was advising Munna, that he should apologize for any mistakes if he commit and at the same time forgive those who commit mistakes. I have just begun to enjoy the movie, but I was equally very hungry. Cabin crew who were serving food pass by me, without serving me anything. I thought she had forgotten or missed, so I called her twice, but she kept on ignoring. It was quite insulting, and I was fuming. Added to this was cabin in-charge was so busy that she could not respond to my call for nearly 30 minutes. I was utterly frustrated. By now my test buds have lost interest in having any food, physically as well psychologically, I felt terribly let down.
Cabin in-charge came in after a while, and kneeled down and very gracefully said ‘Sorry, Mr. Chavan! I understand there has been some goof-up by my cabin crew, and I am extremely sorry for the same. Though, I was fuming, and wanted to vent out my anger, her approach was so very natural that I restrained from venting my feelings out except expressed my displeasure, as this was happening to me for second consecutive time on this sector. I found her apology together with explanation so very sincere that; I was compelled to leave the incident behind. It is at that moment I realized that true and sincere apology do have tremendous power, that it can turn uncomfortable, disadvantageous situation to the best of ones benefit. Thus, true and sincere apology can in fact lead one to success. What would determine your success is your capability to seek sincere and true apology from the bottom of your heart.
However, most of the time, we are so biased with our own view points, that we never realize in quick succession of time that we had committed mistake. Thus, at times when we realize it is too late to seek an apology, and thus we never apologize for mistake that we do. But we forget that this behavior of ours not only discredit us, but also impact negatively on the sphere on our influence, potential support from those sincerely wish to help us. Thus, I often believe that quicker you apologize is better in the interest of damage control. In fact, it is in this sense that “Success is directly proportional to the degree of innocence to seek the apology”, when one commit the mistake. Thus,
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
SUCCESS = Listening
Many people often think that success is a passive activity. This is not quite true. Good listeners are always very active, with every part of their body engaged in the process, especially the brain. As Marshall Goldsmith stated in his book "What Got You Here Won't Get You There", good listeners do three things, (a) they think before they speak, (b) they listen with respect, and (c) they are always gauging their response by asking themselves, Ïs it worth it?". In fact in my opinion our success is directly proportional to our ability to be a good listener.
This I believe because, to be a good listener one needs a great discipline, especially when you are hearing what upsets you most. Keeping your mouth shut at that moment and continue to concentrate on every word that you listen requires tremendous mental control and discipline which are necessary elements for success. Thus, listening is a highly active, and decisive choice. Telling our mouth and brain not to do something is matter of equal discipline and self restrain as telling them to do it. If we can master this we turn into a good listener. For this to happen we need to think before we speak anything.
Another significant quality of successful persons which I have observed is that they listen to everyone with great respect. Contrary to common mass, when successful persons, when they listen they convey that "How important you are, and not how important he/she is?". This is why it makes them so sweet and adorable, that we get attracted to them, and in turn follow them.
You would have also observed that most successful persons speak "what is appropriate, what is needed". They never continue to speak a lot. This is because they often ask a question to themselves Ïs it worth it". I guess, this turns them to be good listeners and thus leads them to success. Since they as this question of Ïs it worth it"often they avoid speaking unnecessary and unwanted things, which might create confusion and misunderstandings. Further, this process leads them to speak rationally. Thus, I believe success is directly proportional to our ability to be good listener. Be a good listener, becuase,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
It is true that scientists use this uncommonly used "common sense"while exploring natural facts and principles. So they are often successful - similar to anyother successful individual in any other sphere of life. But since this basic "common sense"is not used by masses only few individuals emerge successful and victorious. It is not that we have not been taught that we need to use common sense, however, it is so very common that we often ignore using it. Thus, most of us inspite of knowing theory success, don't implement as we lack basic minimun common sense that theory alone do not lead to success - it calls for action. Thus,
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Over last 18 years, I have realized that we as commoners are very good at evolving strategies and plans, but worst implementors of their own plans. One of the major reason for this, I believe is we have habit of postponing things. We often say that I would start from tomorrow - however that tomorrow never occurs. On the other hand success needs that you act now - beiginning now would ensure that you have began implementation of action plans. If you continue to delay, you loose interst, thus if you wish to keep momentum and interest in achieving success, you need to ACT NOW. Thus,
Saturday, April 7, 2007
SUCCESS = Realization of Purpose
The words of wisdom the security guard offered made me to think, and think on the issue of why most of us complain that inspite of efforts we are not successful. The answer lies in what the guard said "realizing the purpose of life", "realizing purpose of what we are doing". I strongly belive that success is directly proporsal to the degree of realization of purpose. More clear, undoubtful, and stronger the realization of purpose, bigger the success. Thus, it is important that instead on spending time, energy, and intellectuality blindly, we instrospect on for what purpose, and I am sure success would kiss us every now and then, and we would be able to cherish that success. Thus,
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Most of the time, we dream - just because we have ability to dream. Most of us do not put in their determination, and emotions towards these dreams. This results into them not being loyal to themselves and towards their dreams. This in simple words "they are not sincere to their dreams". Since, they are never sincere to all their wishes and its visulaizable form called 'dreams', they never draw gameplan and timeline to achieve it. Thus, without gameplan and timeline, they never have any motivation to work towards achieving them seriously. Thus, they never achieve. Reason, they never have loyalty to these dreams.
Contarary to above scenario, few who dream with determination, dedication often put in 110% of their loyalty into their dreams. Thus, any obstacle do not mind anything to them. They are easily able to walk through all conflicting situations, and rough terrian path, and from darkness to sunshine. Thus, I strongly believe "degree of success is directly proportional to the dgree of loyalty to the dreams".
Saturday, March 31, 2007
SUCCESS = Time is money
I have always experienced that doing right things at right time has its benefits - and advantages. It is critical that we as nation and its citizens understand the value of doing this right way by observing the timeline strictly. But then it seems we has assumed and adjusted not only ourselves being late for every other appointment, but do not mind if others to play with our time. Time once gone - do not come back and once you loose it you loose it permanently. Also you waste your productivity which is directly proportional to your level of achievements. Thus, I often feel that wasting time is a crime. Let's not commit the crime - not waste the time.
SUCCESS = Time is money!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
SUCCESS = Never BUY it!
This is not the first case that I have encountered. In recent past one of my very close relative too has dooped her widowed mother to fulfilll her crazy dream of having education in USA, by taking away most of the booty that mother has - and most of which she would require for her oldage treatments. I am worried with this growing phenomenon within our youths to choose short-cuts to success. During my 40 years of lifespan, I have realized it beyond doubt that there is nothing as short-cut to the success. Success is a process and you have to move through this process a hard way - because success cannot be bought with moeny that you have, especially not the money that your parents or loved ones have earned by sweating hard. If this could have been possible - every rich person whould have turned to be most successful individual.
I hope our young generation realize this, and that old generation help the young ones to realize and emphasize this. Let us not buy our success - I think it can never be permanant or long lasting purchase and thus it often leads to frustration. Success is what cannot be bought, but earned. Let us achieve the success and not buy the success. Thus,
SUCCESS = Never BUY it, but achieve it!
Friday, February 16, 2007
I think one of the basic reason was that organizers collaborated with others. We invited people with diverse backgrounds and opinions together at one hall. We listened to their views, we gave them enough space to share their thoughts. I think people would join in your dream if you collaborate with them, by keeping their interest in mind and respecting their views. Collaborations is the key to success. It is highly impossible to be successful on your own. Even if you claim you alone are responsible for your success - it is not true. There are many people who have contributed to your success directly or indirectly without claiming that they have contributed. Think of parents, teachers, critics, organizations you worked / working, spouse, and kids who have been responsible for what you are today. There is nothing like individual success. It is a collaborative phenomenon. Quicker you realise easier would be your journey of success. Hence be collaborative and complementary in nature. Hence,
Thursday, February 15, 2007
While watching their performances it just occurs to me that these individuals are successful because they are dedicated to their cause. They are dedicated not only 100% but also multiple of 100%. Success is all about being dedicated to the cause. All successful people are so very dedicated that they walk the cause, talk the cause, and live the cause for which they are working. They rather prefer to go through temporary hardship for their to achieve their destination of success. It is their dedication to a cause makes them so strong, determined to overcome all the hurdles.
Their ability to visualize the end result of their cause makes their determination rock solid, just unshakable. Mahatma Gandhi’s determination for liberated, democratic India was so strong that it he could withstand all the hurdles because he has foreseen the liberated and democratic India, even before the struggle started.
From my own experiences, I have realized that whenever, I am committed to a cause, dedicated for my visualized success, I have emerged as a winner. My commitment to a cause have always channelized my energy and thought process so that I could take appropriate and right steps in right direction. This has made me to live my journey to those successes – how so ever small and big they are in their magnitude. Thus –
Monday, February 12, 2007
Success is an ongoing process and it does not happen at one single day - this also means that as long as you donot become 100% committed to your success and take 200% self responsibility - success would always stay away from you. Once you take self responsibility - there is bound to be personal growth. Personal growth would lead you to achieve your dreams and goals. Self resposnsibility is accountability to success. As you accept self responsibility for each of the action and its output, you would be able to introspect about +ve and -ves of your each action, and thus can make corrective changes. As George Will said "Success goes to those who are paying attention, day by day". This is because "Success is a continuing process that requires consistent efforts", and self responsibility encourages you to do those consistent efforts.
When we become self responsible, we move ourselves into a group of more highly developed individuals. This leads your to highest levels on the ladder of success. Thus,
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Success = Working on NEGELECTED issues
In self help guru Shiv Khera's terms these individuals did not do different things but they did things differently. They could succeed in their pursuit because they believed in their hearts that these causes though neglected by society and masses are significant ones to handle. Thus, if you believe in any issue, or challenge that many others feel not so very important, please analyze it critically and you would realize that there is great potential to succeed and climb the ladder of success. Thus,
SUCCESS = Working on NEGLECTED Issues.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
SUCCESS = Building (+ve) Relationships
I know Mr. Nair for past 6 years since I joined the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. He is supplier of office and computer stationary and also provides conference kits. However, over these past 6 years this acquaintance has grown beyond vendor-customer level to a friend, and vendor that I like to do business with. When I look deeply into this, I realize quickly that Anil supply us material that any other vendor would provide – but then he provide this with a touch of his class – a care, warmth, and personal attention. Thus, though I do have choice to move on to other vendors – I prefer to procure items from him. Thus, business just happens for him from many customers like me – because he has been investing in building relationships!
Robbin Sharma in his book “The Greatness Guide” states that it is easy to forget that people do business with people they like. How apt and powerful this statement is – but often neglected one. Many great and giant business collapses because they fail to be connected and relate to their client base – they fail to build relationship that are positive in nature. Because they forget that people do businesses with people they like. Thus,
SUCCESS = Building (+ ve) Relationships
Sunday, January 28, 2007
SUCCESS = Staying Positive: How to?
Thus, staying POSITIVE is a matter of choice. If you have made this choice - realize that one of the best way to be POSITIVE is to bring in SELF CHANGE. We need to bring in "self changes" on three fronts, viz. thinking, attitude, and behavior.
Attitude change can only happen from INSIDE OUT. Accept the responsibility to bring in attitudinal changes - Be responsible for "Who I am?", "What I have?", and "What I do?". This responsible state of mind would help us to take control of our life. This would provide us sense of ownership to life, mandate mission for life, uplift basic values and value system of life, and as well result in improving discipline.
Thinking can be changed by observing every situation LOGICALLY. Best way to begin this process is to start observing our own thinking. Is it -ve or +ve? If it is -ve, then you need to change it. For this we need to change our self talk - what you talk to yourself. We need to let our mind and heart know that you are special child of GOD, today is the most wonderful day, etc...
Behavior can be brought in through true assessment, determination, and discipline. Change from being "Reactive" to situations to "RESPONSIBLE" to situations. These would help you to pass through 4 stages of behavior changes "Unconscious Incomepetence" --> "Conscience Incompetence" --> "Conscience Competence" ---> "Unconscious Competenece". This would help you to reincarnate "The NEW YOU"!.
We ourselves can influence our environment by adding positive behavior! Leave bad habits and adopt good ones. Make more positive contributions. Remember to watch your definitions - as they become thoughts. Rememebr to watch your thoughts - as they become words. Remember to watch your words - as they become action. Remember to watch your actions - as they become your destiny. Choice is ours - with positive attitude - we can have positive destiny that can not only change our life for better but candle many lives in positive manner. Be SUCCESSFUL by being POSITIVE. Thus -
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Making Miracles = Positive Attitudes = SUCCESS
Attitude is combination of thinking, emotions, the way of viewing events, circumstances around you, and your perspective. Your attitude is what you do and how you respond to the things that occur in your life. With postive attitude, you can win under any circumstances or situations. Attitudes are much more important than facts. Attitudes make the difference in success or failure! There are certain facts in our lives that cannot be changed, but your attitude can overcome these facts. Budhia, a malnourished kid from Orissa who ran miles together could overcome facts that he was poor, malnourished, no one to take care with his attitude, attitude to win. If he can overcome contransting and -ve circumstances at age of 5 with his attitude, Why can't we?
Willie Jolley, in his book "It only takes a minute to change your life" states that "to get a positive attitude you must make a decision. You may not be able to control the things which happen around you, or things which happen to you, but you can control the things that happen "in you. Attitude is every thing! Make decision to have a good, positive, and productive attitude everyday".
Come join us to the flight of success by changing the attitude from its negative to its best ever positive and winning attitude. Positive and winning attidtude can make impossible things possible, as well dreams to reality. It can make miracles happen in your life. Thus, I often say that making miracles is all about having positive attitude. Thus -
Making miracles = Positive attitude = SUCCESS!!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Success = Ability to rise
I was aware of my being average and thus I was ready to have some falls, setbacks, and was prepared to rise again each time that I fall flat. This saved me from frustration of being a failure, but at the same time provided me with energy to fight back and rise back. It is thus important that how many times you rise back when you fail. More you fail and each time you stand up again, magnitude of your success expands and rises to a greater height. All successful folks pass through these tides of highs and lows, but each time they down swing - they surge up to overcome obstacles and hurdles which pushed them down.
Thus Success in many a sense ability to rise. So rise every moment amongst all odds and you would be in the category of successful individuals.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
You can't just try - Do it!
My father has taught me that in order to move forward you have to do things and not attempt doing them. There is nothing like "try". Do we try to eat or we eat! Do we try to walk or we walk! Do we try to laugh or we laugh! Do we try to sleep or we sleep! Think, if we woul have only tried to do these things, life would have been so much miserable.
Many folks keep thinking for days and months together as to how they would attempt doing certain things and never do it! Since they always try doing it - they never move forward and do not achieve milestones in life. All the successful individuals don't try - THEY DO!
It is my strongest belief is that key to success if doing it - and not attempting or trying it!
So keep doing things that you believe that it would lead you to success in your chosen area. Don't try - Do it!!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Leadership = Extra Mile = Success
I began introspecting my success till date. Am I an extra-ordinary individual? Soon I realize that whenever I have been successful in what so ever that I have achieved is because of extra miles. Doing extra than what is expected from you. May be planning, implementing and commissioning Local Area Network (LAN) and Web Server in mid 1990's at my first job - success has been because of extra mile. Few of my friends always envy and say that I am lucky one, I am gifted with qualities to be successful. I think more than luck and godly gift - it is extra mile that would lead you from an ordinary to extra ordinary. Because, ordinary people don't spend extra time on the extra mile. But this extra mile gift you with the leadership. Leadership lead you to SUCCESS!
Run Extra Mile = Be Extra Orniary = Be Successful!!!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Success = Expanding Window of Opportunities
Self help guru Robbin Sharma says "Each day, life will send you little windows of opportunity. Your destiny will ultimately be defined by how you respond to these windows of opportunity". I alwys wonder if life offers these windows of opportunity of every one - then why some folks are more successful than others. Answer to this puzzle is simple though not many of us realize it. Some of us capture and encash on these opportunities, and emerge as winners. Many of us shrink from them, often we do have fear of these opportunities, and the success that they are likely to offer to us. Thus, we run away from them, we simply fail to face them. However, if we run towards them, life would be full of success!
I challenge you to ride on the waves of opportunities that life offers to us and be successful!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Success = 'WILL' to win
Strong "WILL' backed up with faith, self determination, clear vision, and towering dreams would not only steer us out of any adversities, but would strengthen us and make us stronger to face any thing that is on our way. As Billy Ocean says in his song "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". With every tough situation, you would become more stronger with 'WILL' and faith in that "WILL'. Infact, GOD tests us situations, and offers us an opportunity to be more stronger than we are now. All that we need is 'WILL' to succeed and undoubting faith in our 'WILL'. Success is ours!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Success = Leadership = Extra mile
When we do extra than normal toward achieving success in our task, in more than one sense we assume direct responsibility towards our scccess. This assuming responsibility encourages to put your best self forward with passion and dedication to the cause. This exhibit the unassuming leadership potential that is hidden within you. Once people around you begin experiencing such leadership potential and talent within you, they would start flocking around you and listening you. This helps to you create that 25th hour of the day that you are desperately looking for! Thus, you would be able to your plan for success with ease, and be Succesful!
Thus, keep doing extra than what is expected outof you - have extra edge in what you think would bring into circle of successful men and women. Remember - Extra mile = Leadership = Success!!!
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Success = Sense of Urgence
However successful individual dream their success, plan it, and immeditely implement it. It is not only implementation at our pace - but implementation with sense of urgence is what required to be successful. As if today is last day that god has gifted - and there may not be tomorrow. Thus to achieve success we need plan with sense of urgence. Thus, SUCCESS = SENSE OF URGENCE.
The people who are marching ahead towards sense of urgence are often self motivated, uncommon dreamers amongst commers, with great zeal about life, dedication to their cause, with sense of purpose of life. They are often called "workoholic" and one who often sleep late - get up early, always on run, often never ever have warm food - but eat fridge cold lunch and dinners at odd hours. Reason - the sense of urgence. Sense of urgence with lightening speed!
I often talk in my lectures that "Biodiversity Informatics is a marathon that needs to be run at the lightening speed". When I think about these successful individuals and their journey to success - it is nothing but "journey to success with lightening speed". These lightening speed journeies are possible because of "Sense of Urgence".
Realize this sense of urgence and be successful!!!
A "Minute" for Success
Thus, I believe success only requires a investment of a "minute". Span of 60 seconds, during which you decide to be successful, span during which you begin to dream, and duration during which you decide to implement your dream.
As Willey Jolley says "It only takes a minute to change your life". It only takes a "minute to be successful" - Do take out a minute out of busy schedule to be successful - just a "minute".
Be successful!!!
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Success = Dream X Plan X Work
This race which started from Pune's Goodluck chowk with nearly 150 runners on brizzy, cold december morning. Until Chaturshingi temple I was one of the last runner and the distance between me and the lead runner must be about 1 - 1.5 Km. However, suddenly, I increased my pace to take advantage of down slope from University Circle till Simla office. By the time I reached Simla office, I was one of the five lead runners. Victory was within my sight - I just kept on streching myself little extra and by the time I was at Balgandharva Rangamandir square, I was secon in lead with just one runner ahead of me. Later, I completed this race at second spot at Goodluck squre.
Today, when I look back at this win - couple of things that srikes me. I did not do anything extra as preparation for this race in terms of training, diet, counselling etc. However, few things happened naturally, and unknowningly. I was dreaming about my success in this race atleast some 15 days in advance - both during day when I am wide awake and in the nights when I am fast a sleep. Infact, the entire route, its terrain, environment, people cheering me, my trail at the beginning, and surging ahead at second half of the race was all that screened several times in my dreams. I had won this race first in my dreams and then in reality. Had my dream been clear and screened me winning at first spot - I am sure I would have been first in the race. Thus, success first needs to be believed both in day dreams and dreams while sleeping.
With every of those dream snaps, my subconcious mind was planning as to how I would be running this race. First at slow pace - so that body is warmed up enough - also the first phase of the race is where uphill slope is there followed by downward slope in second half. So, based on dreams I planned that I will be conserving my energy to surge ahead in second phase where in most of the runners would be exhausted in phase I alone. Based on the sequences of dreams, and planning which happened subconciously, I remeber practising on the route atleast 2-3 times prior to the actual competion.
Thus, when I introspect about "How I won this race?"after nearly 10 year later it is very clear, I did one uncommon thing, i.e. I adopted uncommonly used formula for success i.e.
Success = Dream X Plan X Work
Most of the time we are often told that if you wish to be successful, then work - work hard on the road where every one is also competing. We are also told that dreams would come true if you continue to work. However, this is common perception of success, i.e Success = work + plan + dream.
But then most of us those who succeed in life do follow exactly opposite what the commoners think of success sutra. Thus, renowed self help guru Shiv Khera often says "Winners don't do different things - They do things differntly". How true this quote is - that winners apply uncommon formula for success - Dream X Plan X Work.
To continue winning - keep dreaming!
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Sutras for Success
My objective of this blog is to share some of my personal reveliations and experiences while climbing towards the ladder of success.