Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Success = Leadership = Extra mile

Successful individuals are great leaders. Leaders are always busy in finding 25th hour for every day that god offers to them. They are always on extra mile - doing extra things outside the normal work hours. Leadership is demonstrated when we run an extra mile at the end of exhausting, and tiresome day -not because it is easy to do, but it is right thing to do!

When we do extra than normal toward achieving success in our task, in more than one sense we assume direct responsibility towards our scccess. This assuming responsibility encourages to put your best self forward with passion and dedication to the cause. This exhibit the unassuming leadership potential that is hidden within you. Once people around you begin experiencing such leadership potential and talent within you, they would start flocking around you and listening you. This helps to you create that 25th hour of the day that you are desperately looking for! Thus, you would be able to your plan for success with ease, and be Succesful!

Thus, keep doing extra than what is expected outof you - have extra edge in what you think would bring into circle of successful men and women. Remember - Extra mile = Leadership = Success!!!

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