Tuesday, February 6, 2007

SUCCESS = Building (+ve) Relationships

I was chatting with one the vendor who supplies us stationary and he was narrating me how successful he has been in his business. During the conversation one thing he mentioned that strikes me – he said “He do business with people, and thus rather than being just supplier he attempt to connect with people, and build long lasting positive relationships with them. Business just follows!”. When I think on this – I realize that how powerful this statement is! If we closely watch all successful persons – one thing is common amongst them is they have build strong relationships with many more people. They are able to connect to people across cross section of society with ease – and thus they are successful.

I know Mr. Nair for past 6 years since I joined the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. He is supplier of office and computer stationary and also provides conference kits. However, over these past 6 years this acquaintance has grown beyond vendor-customer level to a friend, and vendor that I like to do business with. When I look deeply into this, I realize quickly that Anil supply us material that any other vendor would provide – but then he provide this with a touch of his class – a care, warmth, and personal attention. Thus, though I do have choice to move on to other vendors – I prefer to procure items from him. Thus, business just happens for him from many customers like me – because he has been investing in building relationships!

Robbin Sharma in his book “The Greatness Guide” states that it is easy to forget that people do business with people they like. How apt and powerful this statement is – but often neglected one. Many great and giant business collapses because they fail to be connected and relate to their client base – they fail to build relationship that are positive in nature. Because they forget that people do businesses with people they like. Thus,

SUCCESS = Building (+ ve) Relationships

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