Friday, June 8, 2007


Yesterday (Pradnya, and I), we celebrated 11th anniversary of our marriage. It makes me feel surprising how 11 beautiful years have passed on - so very quickly and smoothly? What would be the major reason for it? Ofcourse, there are many legendary examples, which we look up to and say if they can move on and be so very successful couple, why not we? However, one of the single reason that I feel is "TRUST".

TRUST according to me is most essential ingredient for any success story. You need to have trust in you, your abilities, your vision, and your dreams. You need to have trust in your workmanship, your communication abilities, your crisis handling skills, your memory, wisdom and most importantly innocent man within you, and your godly attitude. Similarly, you need to trust your loved ones, partners, companions, relatives, siblings, friends and community. You need to trust on their good intentions as well their abilities to be supportive to your cause and dreams. Most importantly you also need to trust on "TIME". Time is the solution for every problem. As well, it is time that would determine the degree of your success, and thus trusting on time is critical. Thus,


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