Wednesday, April 2, 2008

SUCCESS = Gulp the Anger!

It always happen that when someone accuses you based on baseless and false facts, and figures; you often loose your temper and anger flows through your voice, expressions and also through bodyline. I have been in such situations often. Initially it was difficult to control yourself. Even now, I can not say that I have overcome this. But, if I reflect "how I was was" some 20 years back and "how I react now", I can say that I am now much better in managing and controlling my anger.

In fact, just today twice I was instigated by two separate individuals by almost accusing, and associating mistakes that I was not part of. Within me, I was boiling with anger, and wanted to give befitting response. However, I just counted up to 10 and diverted my mind away from the accusations. Though I lost respect for them momentarily, and felt like telling them that they are wrong; a though that came to my mind - "what's the use of saying this tu tu, main main; it is not going to lead anywhere, but would rather widen the rift". I just smiled and kept quite.

I think I did right thing. Both of them came back after a while to tell me that they did not mean that I was wrong, and that it just happened in a spur of the moment, and in excitement. Almost apologetically, they just stopped short of saying "Sorry", but went on to explaining how they were misled and that they did not meant what they said earlier. Well, I just smiled again, as I was nothing much to say and that I need not too - as these were just such a minor incidents, which merit no further discussions.

However, I kept thinking about the ripples, if I too would have reacted in excitement earlier. Good that I gulped my anger and was able to control it. I realized and experienced one of the well known, yet least practiced sutra of success - Gulp the Anger! Because -

SUCCESS = Gulp the Anger!

1 comment:

Dr M Karthikeyan said...

Excellent.. and timely message for everyone.. I will start counting 1-10 from now onwards..