Sunday, September 2, 2007


Last week, I organized Indo-US Workshop on Ecological forecasting. One of the US delegate Dr. Amarnath Gupta has requestd me to go early to Kolkatta tosee his ailing mother. Obviously when he arrived in Pune, I enquired about her health. His startling response was that she expired when he started from San Diago. My instant reaction was "what are you doing here?, you should be there in Kolkatta". Then came his response, "Vishwas, I am committed to this workshop before she expired, she would not be happy if I do not fulfill my committment!". I was taken a back, my eyes moistened and for couple of seconds I was speechless, my organs as if stopped functioning. Minute later, I gathered courage and hugged him. My respect for him multiplied thousands of time. I haver been surprised by many individuals with their unasuming actions in the past, but this one was certainly most surprising one - which I would probably only forget when I would be no more on this planet earth. This made me to think "Why can't all be so committed to their casue, work, and their purpose?" But then after a little introspection, answer came in, "All are not successful?".

Certainly committment is most basic ingradient of the scuccess, which is so very uncommon. Committment is often overshadowed by excuses. Younger generation bunk early morning classes on the pre-text of getting up late, working men and women often take french leaves on the pre-text of someone in teh family ill. How would they then react to what Amarnath did?

What Amarnath did made my belief stronger in one of the basic sutra of success "SUCCESS = COMMITTMENT". I wish every citizen of this nation demonstrate similar committment in every sphere of their life, and this nation would surely be a great super-power. I wish almighty GOD bless each one of us with greater degree of committment, as......