Thursday, April 24, 2008

SUCCESS = Compete with Yourself only!

There is mis-conception in almost everyone's mind that success means competing with others. At least that is what I was taught by everyone for quite sometime. Therefore we end up comparing ourselves with others. That often leads to frustration, and self rejection. As a child many including my parents, teachers, relatives and others compared me with other kids. I was always surprised as to why they do so. Because, I have some qualities which others don't! I am not physically well built, but others are! Some have luxurious life, which I am deprived off! When there is no equality, and evenness in facilities, scenarios, and resources then does such an comparison sounds logical?

However, as I started observing, and reading about successful personalities, I am now confident that they were successful because they did not compete with others, but they compete with themselves. For instance, do you think Mahatma Gandhi would have been successful in leading India to its freedom and liberation, if he would have competed with contemporary leaders of his time? Certainly not! Because, it would have been hard for him to find leader of his stature and vision - who could dream of leading nation to freedom, and if he would have decided to compete against his peers, I am confident he would have not been successful enough as he was! But the secrete of his success is that he competed with himself, his belief, his dreams, his work ethics, his dedication to the cause, and thereby he continued to raise his bar of performance higher and higher all the time.

There are numerous examples of several legendary successful persons, who never competed with others but with themselves. Late Dhirubhai Ambani would not have raised empire called Reliance and Sachin Tendulkar would not have been loved as "master blaster" all across the globe, if they would have competed with others. Each of these individual competed with themselves only. When you compete with others you not only waste time, create uncomfortable scene around, but you also look ability to improve. Thereby when you compare and compete with others your chances of being successful individual degrade. When a spinter run the race, though it appears that he or she is competing with others, but in reality he / she is competing with himself or herself. They are actually improving their own performance compared to their last one. Therefore,

SUCCESS = Compete with yourself only!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

SUCCESS = Overcome your GREED!

About two weeks back I was visiting Cambridge, UK for business purpose. On my way back from the place of appointment to Cambridge railway station, I called for a cab. True to British reputation cab came on dot time. It was drizzling and thus, I hurriedly put my bag into the boot of the car and jumped on the seat next to the driver. As the cab got in motion, I said "Hello" to the driver and he responded promptly and warmly. Then, suddenly he started talking to me, and said "You know there is no point working on all these nature protection issues, we can not save nature truely, as long as we remain to be GREEDY!".

I cant explain, but for couple of moments together I was in a state of shock. I just could not respond, and I was speechless, response-less, as well stunned with his statement. I am often good at responding spontaneously, but he kind of clean bowled me. What a co-incidence it was? Just couple of minutes back, I was discussing own exactly same issue, with so call experts in the field of biodiversity, nature conservation - on how to protect the nature, and conserve the species. Though, I enjoyed that discussion, I think my cab driver hit at the root cause of the whole problem which many of us often do not wish to talk about! It is true that more than information and knowledge, WISDOM is crucial. How correct my driver friend was, that it is human GREED which is causing all kinds of problem, and thus becoming major stumbling block into his own progress, and sustainable success.

However, not many of realizes that GREEDINESS is often the cause of why one is not successful. Greed is defined as the selfish desire for or pursuit of money, wealth, power, food, or other possessions, especially when this denies the same goods to others. When one has such selfish desires, means that your objective and goal for success is not holy, and pure. And success is all about being pure in your purpose of seeking it. However, commonly the line between desire to succeed and selfish desire or greed is so fine, that one never realizes when he/she has crossed it towards the worst. Therefore, one must carefully analyze and introspect the ultimate reason as to why you wish to achieve success. IS it for selfish desire or to satisfy your GREED (which I can promise you would never be able to satisfy as it is not "holy") or to benefit to others too, in addition to your own desired benefit! Because,

SUCCESS = Overcome your GREED!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Last week, I was in Kenya participating as a resource person in the East African workshop on Biodiversity Informatics. As usual several individuals came up to me after the lectures and told me that they were impressed, and liked my talks. However, the coordinator of the workshop summarized to me that "I have lit many candles, and inspired many careers". I was humble, and just thanked GOD for gifting me with an ability to do so.

There are several individuals who concentrate and focus their energy to improve themselves, and grow professionally and individually, but alone. But only those who have ability to lit the candles, and bring-in positive difference in other other lives, could be termed as "Successful" ones. Mother Teresa was not only successful, but made place in hearts of millions and billions, because she touched many lives, inspired many careers, gave purpose of life to many individuals. This is true for all successful individuals may it be Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Phule, and many other. There is long yet countable list of such successful persons, because there are only few who has ability to lit the candles and inspire the careers, and that's why they are successful.

Do you want to be one of such successful individual? Do you have aspirations to be in club of successful individuals, then learn, and consciously attempt to encourage others, lit the candles and inspire careers irrespective of class, creed, religion, community, region or country. Lightening candles should be practiced beyond boundaries, even at times, it means putting yourself in "discomfort" or stretching beyond normal hours. There is a great fun in doing so. Because -


SUCCESS = Gulp the Anger!

It always happen that when someone accuses you based on baseless and false facts, and figures; you often loose your temper and anger flows through your voice, expressions and also through bodyline. I have been in such situations often. Initially it was difficult to control yourself. Even now, I can not say that I have overcome this. But, if I reflect "how I was was" some 20 years back and "how I react now", I can say that I am now much better in managing and controlling my anger.

In fact, just today twice I was instigated by two separate individuals by almost accusing, and associating mistakes that I was not part of. Within me, I was boiling with anger, and wanted to give befitting response. However, I just counted up to 10 and diverted my mind away from the accusations. Though I lost respect for them momentarily, and felt like telling them that they are wrong; a though that came to my mind - "what's the use of saying this tu tu, main main; it is not going to lead anywhere, but would rather widen the rift". I just smiled and kept quite.

I think I did right thing. Both of them came back after a while to tell me that they did not mean that I was wrong, and that it just happened in a spur of the moment, and in excitement. Almost apologetically, they just stopped short of saying "Sorry", but went on to explaining how they were misled and that they did not meant what they said earlier. Well, I just smiled again, as I was nothing much to say and that I need not too - as these were just such a minor incidents, which merit no further discussions.

However, I kept thinking about the ripples, if I too would have reacted in excitement earlier. Good that I gulped my anger and was able to control it. I realized and experienced one of the well known, yet least practiced sutra of success - Gulp the Anger! Because -

SUCCESS = Gulp the Anger!